"Love sms" Category

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On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection

On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection, My thoughts naturally turn in your direction. I think of many things, big and small That you’ve given to me and given your all. You see me always in the kindest light; You’re a glow in my life, golden and bright. I’m thankful for the happy ties that […]

Every day I come to school

Every day I come to school; I spend a lot of time Learning all the things you teach, Which is the reason I’m Sending you this Valentine; It’s meant to let you know I’m happy you’re my teacher And I want to tell you so! Happy Valentine’s Day To my favorite teacher!

Valentine’s mean to spend time with the one u love

Valentine’s mean to spend time with the one u love Valentine’s mean that kisses,huges,smiles and candy Valentine is the day u and me will be together with love My love is true and never blue all about u. Why.Cause Valentine’s! Roses could be red violet’s maybe blue But my Roses R True 4 u on […]

Can I be yours too

Be My Valentine This may be a little silly, But I have a question for you, Will you be my valentine? ‘Cause no one else will do… I know you are my boyfriend But will you be my valentine? I can’t think of anyone else I’d want to have as mine… No one else gives […]

My valentine

My valentine: Why would I bring you chocolate when you are the treat. My valentine: Why would I bring you flowers when your smell is what’s sweet. My valentine: Why would I buy you a card when the words can be heard through me. My valentine: Why would I take you out some place when […]

U r unique

U r unique U r caring & U r the best…. N I’m d luckiest to Have U in my life! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY MY SWEET HEART!

I have searched my heart

I have searched my heart For the words to say just how much u mean to me You are all of God’s Blessings rolled into one. My dreams,My desires,My evening,My sun. My evening walking moment, my hopes and my fears, My disillusion,My contentment,My joy nd My tears. But most important of all, I thank God […]

and the tender words you say

if you were my valentine I’d treasure every day the arms that open to me and the tender words you say I can’t imagine dreaming of another soul so sweet for, if your were my valentine my life would be complete…