Amazing Numbers

You will need a calculator for this:

Take the number of the month you were born,
multiply by 4,
add 13,
multiply by 25, subtract 200,
add the day of the month on which you were born,
multiply by 2, subtract 40, multiply by 50, add the last two digits of the year in which you were born,
subtract 10,500.

Notice anything funny about your answer?

15 Responses to “Amazing Numbers”

  1. KING'Z!...:) says:


  2. Arjun shinde says:

    very difficult

  3. Tanvi says:

    wow..calculate ur date of birth in a typical way..MMDDYY..

  4. crazy man says:

    i don’t have calculator & i don’t know 2 calculate.i’m poor in maths.i sat in 2 std for 4 yrs..i’m einstien’s brother..!!
    help me..

  5. zara says:

    its a nice one

  6. saleem says:

    sweet man

  7. himanshu nandwana says:

    wowwwwwwwww,,yaar maan gaye ,,wow
    isse jyada kya bolu ab aapko maan gaye

  8. rashmi harne says:

    the answer is-198351

  9. wow !!!!!!!!nice n intelligent way 2 knw ur date of birth…u will find 1st ur in which month u were born,thn ur date n finally ur in which year u were born…all in no’s..great…I LIKE IT !!!<3

  10. wow !!!!!!!!nice n intelligent way 2 knw ur date of birth… all in no’s..great…I LIKE IT !!!<3

  11. wow !!!!!!!!nice n intelligent way 2 knw ur date of birth…..great…I LIKE IT !!!<3

  12. Khushbu says:

    hey ma ans was 7298
    dis is act n really vry sweet……..:)

  13. roman says:

    nice ? my brain was hang for sometime but also i didnt understand what is it?

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