Shadow of yesterday

Shadow of yesterday
Have faded away,
Sun has reappeared
It’s a brand new day

Birds singing their song
Loud and clear,
Announcing to the world
A new day is here,

Sun appears in the east
Has begun a new quest,
In the middle at noon
And then sets in the west,

Wishing you contentment
And peace along the way
Good morning to you
And have a nice day:)

5 Responses to “Shadow of yesterday”

  1. Neeraj says:

    A very lovely poem with lot of feelings

  2. heena says:

    nice words with great feelings

  3. ankush says:

    bidass good morning poem i like it

  4. ayub lutalo says:

    aslam aleikum

  5. jay lama says:

    such a very nice poem with a feeling

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